I'd like to share a good news
I'll be sharing this to you guys soon....
But for now, just a short message
May we all have a HAPPY WALK in our everyday lives! God Bless!
Celebrating LIFE and LOVE. It is all about SERVING GOD. GOD is my PLANNER and MANAGER; I am just HIS humble SERVANT and COORDINATOR. My Blog about our services, suppliers and just about everything about events services.
Feel free to inquire or contact us through our two channels:
Contact Person: Cel Villagonzalo-Barrio
Email Address: yourevents101@yahoo.com.ph or hvbarrio@gmail.com
Mobile No: 0929-5900144 or 0922-8HENCEL (0922-8436235)
Contact Person: Jeffrey Villagonzalo
Email Address: epoy31@yahoo.com
Bahrain Mobile No: 00973-39848732
Visit our other site http://yourevents.multiply.com
Note: I'll soon have point person in Dubai and Singapore.
YOUR EVENTS started in October 2005 (it’s conceptualization phase) but started its actual coordination operations last April 2006. Hencel P. Villagonzalo-Barrio, a Master in Business Administration Graduate from Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila-Graduate School of Business Management and a full-time Training Officer, spearheaded the company up to the present as the Chief Coordinator and Wedding/Debut Emcee.
The experience of organizing events for herself and her immediate family members, relatives and friends lead Hencel to dedicate her talents to plan, organize and coordinate weddings, debut, kiddie party and other events for people who would like to have a hassle-free event. She also incorporated her dancing and hosting skills as a side business.
Equipped with the skills and experience in organizing and coordinating wedding, debut and other events, Hencel together with her dynamic, flexible and reliable team players are here to demonstrate the full value of their services not just as COORDINATORS but as OUR CLIENTS’ BESTFRIEND ON THAT DAY.